Nouvelle publication de la professeure Piché intitulée "Class Action Value"

Trouver ICI la version complète en PDF de la plus récente publication de la prof. Catherine Piché dans le collectif Fifty Years of Class Actions — A Global Perspective (Theoritical Inquiries in Law, vol 19, no 1), intitulée Class Action Value.

This Article attempts to clarify a proposition of certain Canadian authors that while class actions represent a signi cant part of our court activities, they may not truly be compensating our citizens. I argue that leading up to the present study, we did not know for certain whether a class action was an effective mechanism to compensate class members. Through empirical data collected up by the Class Actions Lab from the past twelve years from cases led in the province of Quebec, District of Montreal, analyzed through the lens of a collective approach to compensation, I demonstrate that Quebec citizens are in fact being compensated by class actions.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 30 janvier 2018 à 11 h 10 min.


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